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Comments and News - Thursday, September 22, 2005


Ok, for those of you who do not live in America, or who do but live under a rock when you're not checking my site, there is a very, very, very LARGE hurricane in the Gulf right now. Hurricane Rita is bigger on a power-scale than Katrina was. Unless it hits Lousiana it will probably not be AS BAD AS Katrina was, but the damn thing is at 897 millibars right now, and Kat was still in the 900's at her worst. Right now it looks like it's gonna hit Texas, somewhere between Galveston and Corpus Christi. I live in Houston. I'm in a lot of trouble.

THERE WILL BE COMICS!!! I know that's (most) of ya'll's greatest concern, and you don't need to worry about that. We're buffered into December, so unless something REALLY bad happens to me, we're fine for the next two months. However, I will be incommunicado for at LEAST three days, possibly two weeks, maybe even as long as a month.

I will most likely be off the net starting Tomorrow, and be getting things nailed down/covered for the storm. The most likely outcome is that I'll be fine, I'll have no power for a while and there may be a few holes in the roof by the time we're done.

First chance I get, I will update everybody as to how I'm doing. And after that, keep updating as long as I can. If you're a Texas reader and can see salt water GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. If you're a Texas reader and you're far enough inland that you're not too worried, stay safe and don't forget to duck. Prayers are needed if you're of that bent, and if you're not...I'd say do it anyway, but then that's just my fun insensitivity talking. :D (/lame attempt at humor)

Ok, gang, for real, stay safe Texans, and lets hope we all get through this in one piece. - Chelsea Gaither