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Today's news - Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Life in the Agency may have lots of bullets and cool toys, but transportation isn't included in the package. If you do not want people to know you're there, the best way is to get in the way everybody else does: the fifty-year-old ex-yaht driven by a local.

And in a side note: The language contained in the < > 's is spanish. They're in Brazil.

News time:

Not much to report, actually. I'm working my butt off to get the chapter finished as quickly as possible. If I either get two months buffered or start making more than three pages a week, I'll up the update schedual to three times a week...starting in October. I know, I know, it's a long wait (and by then you'll really really hate me) but...it's NaNo season. :)

Also: You guys are amazing. Vote-wise. :) Again, I find it really really cool when I drop by to find a reference in the archives (I haven't really got the best site-bible) and discover that the counter has moved DOWN since that morning. Ya'll are the BEST.

CW - Chelsea Gaither