Name: Lucille S. Harris, AKA Lucy
Age: 28
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Place of Residence: The Hotel New Boston
Job: Agent
Religion: Agnostic
Status: Active
Bio: Our protagonist. Sometimes agnsty, sometimes sarcastic, always, always, always one mean B*tch. She’s the Agency’s top hacker, one of the most trusted spies. She’s very, very poor at combat, which requires her to have a partner whenever she goes into the field, even if it’s just a simple recon mission. She knows she can’t defend herself and it irks her. She’s supposed to be better at this. In public, around strangers and when she’s working, she seems to be very in control of herself, but when she’s alone she shows symptoms of severe depression and emotional instability, and the other people in her life have seen it. The cause is somewhere in her past (aren’t they all?) but her past is one of the things she plays very close to her chest. She’s been an agent for four years, each of which places greater responsibility and danger in her lap, and each of which has seen a greater level of depression. Her supervisor has begun to believe she will not last out the next year.
Lucy has been suffering from what can only be described as visions of a young boy. He speaks to her of things he couldn’t possibly know about, then vanishes. It seems that no one else can see him.
In one of her past missions, she saved the lives of her partner, the target of the mission, Rouge Castlestone, and that of Sarah Brighton, who turned out to be an old friend from Lucy’s past. An attempt on Sarah’s life motivates Lucy to push for a mission to find the man. After tracking the man to a location in the Amazon, Lucy is wounded in a firefight, but miracliously healed by an unknown blue "goo".

Name: Jeffery Jordan
Age: 31
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Place of Residence: the Hotel New Boston
Job: Agent
Religion: Agnostic
Status: Inactive/Guard Duty
Bio: Jeff is one of Lucy’s former partners, and WAS her partner for the four years she has been employed by the Agency. He’s very level-headed and fairly practical and predictable. His largest personality flaw is that, when not on a mission, he’s far more likely to think with his groin instead of his brain. It doesn’t help that he’s handsome and a consummate ladies’ man.
While appearing to be relatively competent during the mission to rescue Rouge Castlestone from her unnamed terrorist lover, Jeff was removed from the partnership with Lucille and reassigned to guard Rouge. Typically, he has already begun a romantic relationship with her.

Name: Sarah Brighton
Age: 22
Eye color: Violet
Hair color: Black
Place of Residence: Unnamed Clinic and/or Hospice for the Agency
Employer: Unknown. Likely a shipping or cargo firm
Religion: Christian
Bio: At first glance, Sarah is the stereotypical goody-two-shoes. She’s a born-again Christian girl transplanted from Texas, complete with southern accent. Her hometown, Chastity, is a forty-five minute drive outside of Dallas, and during summer seasons she’s been known to alternate her time between her job as a pilot and the rodeo. Her specialty in life is old things, like gasoline cars or jet-engine airplanes. She’s also one of Lucille Harris’s oldest friends. However, we don’t yet know how old, or how close they were, or how they met.
During a stopover in Plateau City, Sarah was taken hostage by a terrorist bent on killing Rouge Castlestone and one of her rescuers. As a side-effect of stopping him, Lucy saved Sarah’s life. Recognizing Lucy as an old friend, Sarah helped Lucy, Rouge and Jeff escape Plateau City via a stolen plane. Soon after landing, however, Sarah was accidentally shot and suffered severe brain damage as a result. By Agency policy she was placed in a facility while the Agency decided what to do with her.
During one of Lucille’s visits, a terrorist attempted to kill Sarah by injecting her with a syringe full of air. Lucy stopped him and gave chase. It is not known why anyone would want this already dying Texas girl killed. Sarah is healed with a mysterious blue "goo" Lucy found during a mission. It is unknown whether or not she has suffered any permanant damage from either the gunshot or the goo.

Name: Rouge Castlestone.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Place of Residence: Hotel New Boston
Job: Unemployed/informer
Religion: Unknown
Bio: The cause of all this trouble. Rouge Castlestone is a flighty, bubbly girl, the quintessential blonde-with-red-hair. She is a markedly BAD judge of character, however, and is fairly promiscuous when it comes to physical relations.
She had the incredible bad luck to become the live-in-lover of an international terrorist and became frightened when he threatened her if she ever tried to leave him. Characteristically, she called for help, managing to get the attention of the Agency. They sent down two agents, Lucy and Jeffory, to bring her from Plateau City and take her to America for use as an informant.
After the rescue, she was roomed with Jeffory Jorden, who was assigned to guard her, and began an amorous relationship with him. Not much else is known about her. Other than her importance to the investigation and apprehention of her former lover, she seems to be just another girl.

Name: Miranda Colbalt
Age: 35
Eyes: Purple (cosmetically inhanced)
Hair: Purple (dyed)
Place of Residence: Unknown, presumably Agency quarters in the Hotel New Boston
Job: Agent
Religion: Unknown.
Bio: Miranda, commonly called Mir, has the same sort of past Lucy does: secretive. Not much is known about her, where she was employed previously or how she got reffered to the Agency. However, the similarities end there. Mir gives the impression of being rock-solid when you first meet her. She’s taller than some men and has a fat-to-muscle percentile under 10%. She’s an extreamly skilled fighter.
She was assigned as Lucy’s partner to replace Jeffory Jorden. She has entered training for the next mission she and Lucy are sent on, and it was expected to be a while before she sees field work.
With the unexpected attack on Sarah Brighton, Mir is sent with Lucille to track down Sarah's attempted killer. During the persuit and resulting firefight, Miranda proves to be a skilled fighter with a remarkable head for combat. Her return to the HQ will undoubtedly result in her being made a full Agent.

Name: Unknown. Known as The Kid or The Boy
Age: Unknown. Approxamately 8-10
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Place of Residence: Unknown
Job: Unknown. Assumed to be too young to employ
Religion: Unknown.
Bio: Absolutely nothing is known about this child, not his age, name, or even whether or not he is human. He seems to be but something here is not quite right…
He first appeared to Lucille a few days after the rescue of Rouge Castlestone. He spoke of things he couldn’t possibly know and told Lucy there was a way she could save the life of her rediscovered friend, Sarah. Afterwards, he vanished. No one claimed to have seen him, and although the Hotel New Boston is full of cameras and monitoring devices, nothing picked him up. He has appeared twice more, once outside the 69th floor window of the Agency Supervisor’s office and once outside the hospital where Sarah Brighton is roomed. Both times he vanished before Lucy could do more than stare. As yet, no one else has seen him, and it’s doubtful he even exists.

Name: Thomas Barker
Age: 43
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Place of Residence: 18445 Andres ST. Plateau City PC code 10449.
Job: Unemployed. Known Terrorist.
Religion: Unknown.
Bio: Thomas Barker was born in Illanois to James and Katrin Barker two years after the Stock Market crash of June 25th of that year. Grew up in poverty in New York City. Father, James, died in the Asian Flu epidemic. Mother, Katrin, died in food riots when Thomas was fifteen. Barker assaulted police officer who shot mother, was arrested and served fifteen years in prison. Upon release, met Cara Spangeli and daughter Rachel, married when Barker was thirty-five.
Spangeli introduced Barker to terrorist Harper Spangeli at age thirty-six. Became dedicated to cause of anarchy, claming government dependance cause of unrest. Spangeli arrested one year later and exicuted for bombing of New Boston Harbor. Barker assassinated DA that tried her, Jury that convicted her and doctor that did the actual deed. Went underground with daughter Rachel at age thirty nine.
Resurfaces at age 43 outside of the Rose Garden Cafe, Plateau City, in an attempt to intersect Rouge Castlestone before she can defect to the Agency. Shot and killed by Lucille Harris. Declared legally dead by Plateau City Morgue. Slated for burial in potter's feild. Body stolen from morgue two days before burial.
Discovered, very much alive, attempting to murder Sarah Brighton via pulmonary embolism by injecting her with a syringe of air. Thawarted by Lucille. He escapes and is currently reported to be in Brazil. It is noted that he has a strange, glowing tattoo over his left eye, the area Plateau City Morgue indicated was the entry wound made by Lucille Harris's fatal shot. Lucille's persuit finds him somewhere in the Amazon. When he discovered Lucille wittnessing a bizzare ritual he was preforming, he shot her. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Name:Shawn Masters
Age: 38 Eyes:Varied due to colored contacts. Currently blue and purple Hair:Vaired due to hair dye. Currently blue Place of Residence: Hotel New Boston Job: Agent Religion: Christian
Shawn Masters is one of the Agency's most seinor agents, due to Agents's historically young retirement age. A former Navy SEAL, he joined the Agency via invitation at the age of twenty four. Like most agents, he is highly inteligant, physically fit and attractive, and skilled in specific areas of expertise--in this case, information gathering and physical combat. Unlike most Agents, he is emotionally well ajusted. Like Jeffory Jorden, he is defenately a womanizer, but has a suprisingly resilliant long-term relationship with Lucille. If any man can be considered Lucy's rock, it is Shawn.
Shawn's participation in the last mission was slight. He tracked Barker for Lucille and helped them get away once they were discovered.
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