I've arrainged the archive a little differently than normal, so I'll give you a quick walk-
through on how to use it. There are no page numbers or dates...because honestly, when you're
looking for a section of story, you don't have a clue which day it appeared, but you probably
know what was going on when you left off.
So here's how it breaks down. Chapter, and then a short phrase on what's going on IN the chapter.
find the last chapter you remember, and then click on what sounds like the last place you
went to.
Enjoy. :D
A Mysterious Woman
Lucille;The Price of Freedom
Gunfight in the Rose Garden
The Car Chase
The Dream
The Shot heard 'Round eternity
--Chapter One: Repraisals
The Kid
To the Boss's office
The New Partner
Combat Assessment
Visiting Sarah
"That son of a Bitch is MINE"
--Chapter Two: Repairations
The boat ride
Camp and Shawn
Of Rainforest and Walls
The Lake Ritual
Getting Shot
--Chapter Two, Part Two
Wake Up
Something odd about this water...
Amazon Firefight
The Signal: Five minutes
Rescue Arrives; Lucy makes Big Boom
Blue Skunk and all associated images
are copyright Chelsea Gaither 2004-2005. Don't even
think about it.
Blue Skunk is hosted by